Wanderings IN
Software land
Read on to find information on various subjects, discoveries I’ve made and technical guidance. Anything software related that I think is worht sharing ends up here.
Neat repository trick for JPA and Spring Boot
When working with Spring Boot and JPA, I’m a fan of declaring simple repository interfaces. But what if you want to reference a static code variable in the query, instead of typing it in manually, which is errorprone and not refactor-friendly? Here’s how. The challenge Here’s a typical JPA interface, with a custom query: Now,…
Multithreaded queries with EF Core DbContext
Here are some quick tips on how to do efficient querying with Entity Framework Core and the DbContext.
How to extend props when using component composition
In React/Typescript it is common to extend or decorate an existing component to add some features or tweak its behavior. When doing so composition is a common (and recommended) pattern. But when doing so, how do y
Multiple store updates in a redux-observable epic
So, you’ve run into the “how do I dispatch multiple store updates within one epic” issue? Well, if you’re using Redux-observable, you’re in luck.
Using ImageSource.FromStream in code-behind
Here’s how to use ImageSource.FromStream in code-behind when developing Xamarin apps.